Before we delve into the why’s and wherefores of “Sydney”. Let’s take a closer look at everyday life in the world of trading and marketing, both in the past and the present day.

Trading in ancient times, was certainly different from today – and as there were no means of transport, commerce was normally carried out by travelling merchants selling their goods and wares, moving from town to town, village to village and even country to country – certainly in the east, as part of a “travelling caravan” via a long string of camels, horses and wagons etc made up of various merchants with accompanying guards for security and safety. 

They were dangerous times travelling certainly with valuable goods, somewhat like today! So, where there was a sizeable population there would also be a daily market, normally in the town or village, central area – usually the square, much of that trading was carried out by “bartering” – an exchange of goods.

Certainly, money became the norm and easier way to trade, in facet “bartering” still carries on to this day in some parts of the world.

It was so normal for people to go to the markets to buy food and necessities – likewise to trade and to this day we still use the word “marketing” and “markets” at the highest levels around the world – in stock exchange, stock and shares, banking etc, in fact right down to – in plain English- buying and selling.

The Impact of Technology

The difference in modern times and more specifically nowadays and the development of modern technology, most of the trading during the 20th century was until recently done by telephone and fax.

But with the innovation of the computer, a whole new world – in fact the whole world, opened for trading, particularly for small businesses who via computer could now be advertising “online” to sell their wares in Australia, India and even Timbuktu!

Notwithstanding this, T.V advertising has moved forwards in leaps and bounds in the last 30-40 years with more of the worlds population having the means and the facility to obtain television –

not forgetting the “older” methods of trading by advertising in and on the press, street advertising i.e. posters and public transport which all-in-all is still part of the modern way of selling products!

With this in mind, Green Pepper Junction has a product it never thought of or occurred to “market” – and its not music- though one might say its music related!

My Logo

Many decades ago an “image” was needed for the company by way of a logo. Many companies use a logo as a form of recognition to advertise what they do and sell, and as a result, are instantly recognisable i.e. Apple, Starbucks, McDonalds, Pepsi, Coca-Cola etc etc to name a few. Originality in a logo can pay massive dividends! Why? Well if it’s something new and eye catching – its 50% towards a sale – more so if it’s being used for commercial gain!

So, what could Green Pepper Junction possibly have to offer out with music? Well it’s a logo!

Its logo has become over the 40+ years, a symbol, not only of the company but of the quality it manufactures, creates, produces and represents and as a result, is known worldwide – from Australia, China, India, Europe, The Americas and many countries in between. Its image seems to have a positive effect on people of all ages and backgrounds and puts a smile on just about everybody’s face.

Bearing in mind the originality of the design, it seemed, a natural progression to use “Sydney” to market products or represent companies in a cross selection of most industries- including toys, travel, fashion, food, drinks, household goods, soft furnishings – including children’s, ornamental (interior or exterior) and television etc etc.

I have included a more detailed list for your perusal. The whole “idea” of using the logo is because everybody is looking for something new and different in all aspects of life, both in business and socially including entertainment, and Sydney provides just that.

He is both “eye catching” and different – most importantly he makes people of all ages smile when they see him. So, yet again he is most definitely a commercial viability, and can-and will- catch the imagination of many “captains” in the industry.


Like any innovation, I have included him graphically and known form. I’ve also included Sydney in his more physical form, as he may appear (looking ahead) in the musical for the theatre at a later. Why the name?

Well he was named for a (never released) Green Pepper Junction album during the “nineties” – it worked then – and seems to have worked since. As it does one (and the most important) thing, along with the logo, makes everybody without exception – smile!

As you read and even re read this, give this brief summary some thought and see if it captures your imagination too!

Please leave any comments or questions down below and I’ll sure get back in touch with you!

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